2,316 research outputs found

    Mapeamento e avaliação da fragilidade ambiental em bacias hidrográficas utilizando álgebras de mapas com vistas à gestão do território

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    Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo geral mapear e analisar o uso e ocupação do solo e a vulnerabilidade ambiental no subsídio ao zoneamento, planejamento e ordenamento territorial, tendo como estudo de caso, a bacia hidrográfica do rio Ipojuca, Pernambuco/Brasil. A Pesquisa permitiu definir as Macrozonas Litorânea e Agrestina e as zonas tendo como base os diferentes graus de modificação em relação aos impactos produzidos pelas ações antrópicas na bacia. No período analisado nesta pesquisa percebeu-se que as classes de uso e ocupação do solo passaram por grandes transformações, com a substituição gradativa das áreas de cobertura vegetal nativa, para dar lugar principalmente a agricultura, a pecuária, e ao crescimento urbano

    Arqueologia e teoria queer

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    Este artigocoloca em pauta a legitimação do reconhecimento da população LGBTQI+ a respeito de uma categoria de gênero: o sujeito Queer. Através da organização de duas oficinas realizadas na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG) e na Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel), equipadas com nosso tripé metodológico -isto é, informação, construção e sensibilização -, fomos capazes de dialogar com aproximadamente 80 estudantes sobre Arqueologia e a Teoria Queer. Intitulado como Arqueologia e Teoria Queer: por uma Arqueologia Transviada, a oficina possibilitou elucidar os questionamentos levantados por Gontijo & Schaan (2017) através da ratificação do indivíduo transviado que fica subalterno mediante a vigente binariedade de gênero, delimitada pelos valores da cultura ocidental

    Interaction between 5-HT1B receptors and nitric oxide in zebrafish responses to novelty

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    AbstractNitric oxide (NO) and serotonin (5-HT) interact at the molecular and systems levels to control behavioral variables, including agression, fear, and reactions to novelty. In zebrafish, the 5-HT1B receptor has been implicated in anxiety and reactions to novelty, while the 5-HT1A receptor is associated with anxiety-like behavior; this role of the 5-HT1A receptor is mediated by NO. This work investigated whether NO also participates in the mediation of novelty responses by the 5-HT1B receptor. The 5-HT1B receptor inverse agonist SB 224,289 decreased bottom-dwelling and erratic swimming in zebrafish; the effects on bottom-dwelling, but not on erratic swimming, were blocked by pre-treatment with the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor L-NAME. These effects underline a novel mechanism by which 5-HT controls zebrafish reactivity to novel environments, with implications for the study of neotic reactions, exploratory behavior, and anxiety-like states

    UNICEF, (des)colonidades e infâncias: vidas negras importam

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    Este artigo busca problematizar práticas do UNICEF de (des)colonização e, paradoxalmente, de silenciamento e controle dos corpos de crianças e pela atualização dos mecanismos de colonialidades das vidas negras, a partir de uma conversação entre Mbembe, Foucault, Sontag, Carneiro, Gonzalez e Butler. O texto é resultado de pesquisas com documentos do Fundo das Nações Unidas para a Infância (UNICEF). Trabalha-se com documentos sobre a situação da infância brasileira, produzidos em português pela referida agência internacional, no país. Problematiza-se o enquadramento das vidas de crianças negras e como elas são construídas como precárias a ponto de serem vulnerabilizadas por mecanismos biopolíticos e necropolíticos de desautorização e interdição discursivos de todos(as) que são classificados(as) como não humanos, logo, alvos de colonização. Por fim, abordam-se fragmentos de relatórios do UNICEF em que os enquadres de guerra biopolíticos e necropolíticos são materializados por tanatopolíticas

    Segmentation of Lung Tomographic Images Using U-Net Deep Neural Networks

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    Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are among the best methods of Artificial Intelligence, especially in computer vision, where convolutional neural networks play an important role. There are numerous architectures of DNNs, but for image processing, U-Net offers great performance in digital processing tasks such as segmentation of organs, tumors, and cells for supporting medical diagnoses. In the present work, an assessment of U-Net models is proposed, for the segmentation of computed tomography of the lung, aiming at comparing networks with different parameters. In this study, the models scored 96% Dice Similarity Coefficient on average, corroborating the high accuracy of the U-Net for segmentation of tomographic images

    Climatologia da função frontogenética sobre a América do Sul em um cenário de clima presente e futuro

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    Os campos climatológicos da Função Frontogenética de Petterssen (FF) foram calculados com a partir do modelo global HadGEM2-ES para uma série 1975-2005. Os primeiros resultados mostram-se concordantes com aqueles obtidos anteriormente\ud por outros autores, indicando uma maior atividade de sistemas frontais durante o inverno e início da primavera. A partir destas constatações, a mesma metodologia pode ser utilizada com séries de clima futuro geradas pelo modelo.Trabalho publicado em: Ciência e Natura, Santa Maria, v. esp., p. 169-171, dez. 2013

    Assessment of neural networks training strategies for histomorphometric analysis of synchrotron radiation medical images

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    Abstract Micro-computed tomography (μCT) obtained by synchrotron radiation (SR) enables magnified images with a high space resolution that might be used as a non-invasive and non-destructive technique for the quantitative analysis of medical images, in particular the histomorphometry (HMM) of bony mass. In the preprocessing of such images, conventional operations such as binarization and morphological filtering are used before calculating the stereological parameters related, for example, to the trabecular bone microarchitecture. However, there is no standardization of methods for HMM based on μCT images, especially the ones obtained with SR X-ray. Notwithstanding the several uses of artificial neural networks (ANNs) in medical imaging, their application to the HMM of SR-μCT medical images is still incipient, despite the potential of both techniques. The contribution of this paper is the assessment and comparison of well-known training algorithms as well as the proposal of training strategies (combinations of training algorithms, sub-image kernel and symmetry information) for feed-forward ANNs in the task of bone pixels recognition in SR-μCT medical images. For a quantitative comparison, the results of a cross validation and a statistical analysis of the results for 36 training strategies are presented. The ANNs demonstrated both very low mean square errors in the validation, and good quality segmentation of the image of interest for application to HMM in SR-μCT medical images

    Development of composite scaffolds based on cerium doped-hydroxyapatite and natural gums-biological and mechanical properties

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    Hydroxyapatite (HAp) is a ceramic material composing the inorganic portion of bones. Ionic substitutions enhance characteristics of HAp, for example, calcium ions (Ca2+) by cerium ions (Ce3+). The use of HAp is potentialized through biopolymers, cashew gum (CG), and gellan gum (GG), since CG/GG is structuring agents in the modeling of structured biocomposites, scaffolds. Ce-HApCG biocomposite was synthesized using a chemical precipitation method. The obtained material was frozen (–20 °C for 24 h), and then vacuum dried for 24 h. The Ce-HApCG was characterized by X-Ray diffractograms (XRD), X-ray photoemission spectra (XPS), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). XRD and FTIR showed that Ce-HApCG was successfully synthesized. XRD showed characteristic peaks at 2θ = 25.87 and 32.05, corresponding to the crystalline planes (0 0 2) and (2 1 1), respectively, while phosphate bands were present at 1050 cm−1 and 1098 cm−1, indicating the success of composite synthesis. FESEM showed pores and incorporated nanostructured granules of Ce-HApCG. The mechanical test identified that Ce-HApCG has a compressive strength similar to the cancellous bone’s strength and some allografts used in surgical procedures. In vitro tests (MTT assay and hemolysis) showed that scaffold was non-toxic and exhibited low hemolytic activity. Thus, the Ce-HApCG has potential for application in bone tissue engineering.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio